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Rogue Protocol

Rogue Protocol

The Murderbot Diaries

by Martha Wells


Sci Fi & Fantasy

Pub Date 07 Aug 2018


The idea of an antisocial synthetic being becoming involved in human issues, often against his better judgment is an appealing one. Rin, as he calls himself here, pretends to be an augmented human, but is in reality a rogue SecUnit - rogue because he doesn’t have an owner and follows his own agenda. While helping humans is far from his first priority - if it helps him attain his goals….

Rogue Protocol is a short novel with a straightforward action heavy plot. Rin (the name Murderbot adopts) is pursuing evidence against GrayCris a large and influential corporation. This takes him to Milu where GrayCris was supposedly terraforming - but actually excavating alien ruins. Vital evidence may still be present, despite the abandonment of the base. Rin stows along with a team of researchers, their humanoid robot and two bodyguards on an expedition to the base. Needless to say, the base isn’t as deserted as believed and the humans are in serious danger.

Murderbot’s views on humans and society add interest to an otherwise mediocre novel. Both he and Miki, the humanoid robot are more developed than the human characters present in the story. It makes for a unique point of view. The action sequences are well done, and believable in the novel’s context.

The short length limits the complexity of the plot. My personal preference is for a longer book with a more developed plot. But if you view Rogue Protocol strictly as a short novel, and constrain your expectations accordingly you will be well satisfied.

4 / 5

I received a copy of Rogue Protocol from the publisher and in exchange for an honest review.

— Crittermom


Who knew being a heartless killing machine would present so many moral dilemmas?

Sci-fi’s favorite antisocial A.I. is back on a mission. The case against the too-big-to-fail GrayCris Corporation is floundering, and more importantly, authorities are beginning to ask more questions about where Dr. Mensah's SecUnit is.

And Murderbot would rather those questions went away. For good

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