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Book of Souls

Book of Souls

(Gods of Egypt, #1)

by Nadine Nightingale

Sci Fi & Fantasy , Teens & YA

Pub Date 07 Jan 2018


I preface this review with a simple statement - I rarely review young adult novels. I was intrigued by the Egyptian links in the description so I thought let’s give it a try. Book of Souls is not a bad novel. It would make for a cute anime or manga series. Nisha Blake is a nice lead, morose but loyal to her friends and family. Bullies make her life difficult, particularly in the wake of her ability to see when someone will die. She doesn’t whine to be saved or spend all her time batting her eyelashes at Blaze (the male lead).

Don’t expect a highly developed story. Book of Souls is cute and moderately interesting, but it targets an audience where teen romance is the central interest, as opposed to plot complexity. There are plenty of pop culture references that book loving teens will get. Egyptian gods make for a nice change from zombies and glittering vampires. I think young teens will enjoy this book, but it is not for adults looking for a good urban fantasy,

Keeping audience in mind, I rate this book 4 for teens 3 for adults

4 / 5

I received a copy of Book of Souls from the publisher and in exchange for an honest review.



They call me Angel of Death, but my name is Nisha Blake. I am Shepherdstown’s living urban legend. My life, a tale of the macabre.

People avoid me like the plague. Well, everyone but my friends. They don’t see the Angel of Death when they look at me. They see poor, broken Nisha—the bully victim, suffering from vicious night terrors and vivid hallucinations.

Things take a turn for the worse when Blaze shows up. He’s a too hot, tattooed, bad-ass MMA fighter from London, hell-bent on getting to know me. Since he walked into my miserable life, my hallucinations graduated to a point where I can no longer differentiate between fiction and reality.

I am insane.

Broken beyond repair.

Or so I think until—

I uncover a secret form the past—a link between all the deaths, my hallucinations, and my night terrors. It’s then I understand I’m not the Angel of Death.

I am something else.

Someone else.

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